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Showing posts from October, 2019

Bacteria commits suicide to prevent Virus from infecting other Bacterial population.

Bacteria Bacteria have different defense mechanisms to protect themselves from the bacteriophage (Virus) attack. Some of the most prominent defense systems are the Restriction modification system and the CRISPR Cas system. Cohen et al .  have discovered a new Bacterial defense mechanism in some Bacteria like Vibrio Cholerae . These Bacteria use a very conserved mechanism called cGAS -STING which is very prominent in the innate immunity of animals. This pathway operates through the synthesis of cyclic GMP-AMP ( cGAMP ). When a virus infects Bacteria, cGAS proteins produce cGAMP which leads to activation of associated phospholipase . The activated Phospholipase then degrades the bacterial cell membrane leading to cell death. As this event occurs before the phage could replicate to high density, it prevents the other bacteria from getting infected. Reference: 1. Cyclic GMP-AMP signaling protects Bacteria against viral infection. Nature   574 ,  pages 691 – 695

Indian scientists from IGIB and ICAR have successfully cloned a superior breeding bull.

IGIB, New Delhi                          Indian Researchers from ICAR and IGIB have successfully cloned a superior breeding bull of Murrah buffalo, the best dairy breed of buffalo. They used Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) Technology to create an embryo of a bull. SCNT is a technology where somatic cells are used as  a source of Nucleus. In this research, they have used skin cells and semen derived cells to create an embryo. They then transferred the embryos to buffaloes. The buffaloes became pregnant and gave birth a healthy bull. The healthy calf which is now 40 months old. They then checked the quality of the semen and were found to have the same qualities as other donor sperms. This method of production can help to produce breeding bulls to reduce dependency on conventional methods of bull production. SCNT                       References: 1 . Selokar , N . L et al. Successful cloning of a superior buffalo bull . Sci . Rep. 9,11366(2019) Pubmed: 3138807